Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 2 - Omaha Zoo

We were up early this morning...even a dark hotel room cannot fool Luke that it's 7am!! Before heading to the zoo we had to stop at a Scooter's for some coffee and scones. We were at the zoo by 8:30. Needless to say, we were basically the first family into the park. We started the day with a butterfly exhibit, then the giraffes, zebras, train-ride, carousel........and all of the other animals in the zoo. We were there until 3:30 that afternoon; the temperatures were in the low 80's and it was over-casted! Awesome weather for August! We later asked the kids what their favorite part of the zoo was. Luke liked seeing the kangaroos and getting his whale, which he named Pirate. Luke never let his whale out of his sight since getting it! Hope's favorite part of the zoo was seeing the elephants. She also got a little stuffed turtle, she name Winna.....who knows where she came up with that name, but we thought it was pretty creative! We left the zoo to head back to the hotel, and it only took a few minutes and both kids were asleep. Mark had the idea to 'transfer' them to the room to continue the nap ("yea, right!") and as soon as we got them to the room they were awake ready for the next activity! We regrouped and ate dinner at Jimmy John's (enough of nasty Mc Donald's) and then headed back to the hotel to do some serious swimming w/o any injuries this time. After the swim, we went to DQ, Mark's request to have dessert. On the way to trying to find a park to play at, the kids fell asleep again! This time it was about 8:00 PM, so we wanted to get them back to the room and not let them sleep any longer in the car, or we knew they would catch their second wind and want to be up a long time!

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